Thoughtful Make: DIY Gifts For Christmas
It can be really hard to think of new ideas to give every year. And a lot of what’s out there feels so… impersonal. So why not make your own Christmas gifts? We asked Becky and Jo for some recipes that make thoughtful gifts for foodies and those who love to pamper themselves (Who doesn’t?).

From Jo
Date, Cranberry & Cashew Nut 'Truffles'
These fruit and nut truffles don’t contain any added sugar. They’re also gluten free, dairy free – and even bake-free. Ten minutes, a few natural ingredients, and a food processor. That's all it takes to make these bite-size vegan treats. They’re almost as easy to make as they are to eat! They’re great for gifts (even at the last minute), or for festive parties too.Ingredients
To make 12 truffles 180g medjool dates, pitted 150g raw cashew nuts 75g of dried cranberries 1 tbsp of coconut oil 1 tbsp of nut butter (peanut, hazelnut or cashew) 2 tsps of raw cacao butter 2 tsps of agave syrup or maple syrup A few drops of vanilla extract A mason jar and ribbon for storageMethod
1. First, blend the nuts into small pieces. 2. Throw the rest of the ingredients into your food processor and mix until combined. 3. Using your hands, roll the mixture into 12 equal-sized balls. Then place the balls on a parchment paper-lined tray. 4. Store in the fridge and keep for up to 3 weeks. 5. To save on packaging, gift them in a reusable mason jar, and decorate with a little festive ribbon. Lovely.Peppermint Candy Cane Bath Salts
I’ve seen several versions of this idea on the web – but they all use food colouring to tint the salt. I’ve chosen to use Pink Himalayan salt. It's the perfect natural, eco-friendly alternative to create the same striped effect. This recipe is really simple to make. And you’ll only need a few natural ingredients. Try making it for friends, loved ones – or even yourself.Ingredients
8 tbsps of Epsom Salts 8 tbsps of Himalayan Pink Salt (fine grind) 2 tsp of raw, organic coconut oil 4 drops of peppermint essential oil Mason jar for storageMethod
1. In a glass bowl mix together the Epsom salt, 1 tsp of coconut oil and 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. 2. In a second glass bowl, mix together the pink Himalayan salt, 1 tsp of coconut oil, and 2 drops of essential oil. 3. Pour the salts into your glass jar, alternating the colours as you go. This willcreate the candy cane effect. 4. Decorate how you like, with twine, ribbon or a handwritten gift tag – and that’s it. It’s that simple.From Becky
Homemade Chilli Oil
Chilli oil is perfect to give as a homemade present and is so simple to make. Why not try it on your pizza or stir fry?Ingredients
450ml olive oil (not virgin) 20g dried red chilli flakes 5-6 whole dried red chilliesMethod
1. Warm the olive oil gently in a saucepan. Add the chilli flakes and whole chillies to the oil and heat for 3-4 minutes. Remove from the heat. 2. Sterilise a sealable glass bottle and pour the oil into the container once it’s cooled. You can strain the chilli seeds out if you don’t want the extra kick! 3. Decorate how you like, with twine, and a gift tag. So simple!
Homemade Lemon Curd
This is a really simple but tasty recipe that takes no time at all to make! I’d spread it on crusty white bread for breakfast.Ingredients
4 unwaxed lemons zest and juice 200g caster sugar 100g unsalted butter, cut into cubes 3 free-range eggs, plus 1 free-range egg yolkMethod
1. Put the lemon zest and juice, the sugar and the butter into a Pyrex bowl. Place the bowl over gently simmering water. Stir the mixture every now and again until all of the butter has melted. 2. Whisk the eggs and egg yolk and stir them into the mixture. Pour the all of the ingredients together then leave to cook for 10-15minutes, stirring every now and again with a wooden spoon, until the mixture is thick and creamy. 3. Remove the lemon curd from the heat and stir occasionally whilst it’s cooling. Sterilise a jar and pour the mixture in. Keep this refrigerated. 4. Decorate how you like, with twine, and a gift tag. So simple! Thanks girls! If you make your own christmas gifts or fancy giving one of these thoughtful makes at go, we'd love to see your snaps. Share them with us on Instagram or Facebook using @btreeclothing and #MadeWithThought.