DIY Mocha Body Scrub for Chocolate Week
It’s National Chocolate Week (10th -16th October) so I thought I’d share one of my favourite organic beauty recipes right now: a homemade mocha-scented body scrub.
This 100% natural, invigorating and stimulating sugar scrub has the perfect scent for waking you up on a chilly morning. It’ll take you only a few minutes to mix together and can be used on your hands, body, and face for softer, glowing skin that's super-moisturised.
Don’t forget we love seeing your snaps when you try something. Share yours on Instagram or Twitter using #madewiththought or let me know in the comments box below. I’d love to hear from you.
You may also like to try these organic beauty recipes: Sugar & Salt Organic Foot Scrubs.

Coffee and Chocolate Body Scrub Recipe
You’ll need:
4 tbsps of raw cane sugar 2 tbsps of fresh ground coffee 2 tsps of organic raw cacao powder 3 tsps of coconut oil For a fun twist, you can also experiment with adding some essential oils to the mixture – I’d recommend trying peppermint, orange or even cinnamon. A bit about the ingredients… I’m forever reading reports in health and beauty magazines about how the caffeine in ground coffee is supposed to improve circulation in the skin and help reduce cellulite (however it can do the opposite when consumed!) The cacao powder (as well as smelling amazing) is full of antioxidants and will help to remove any dead skin cells. The sugar gently exfoliates, while the coconut oil works as a natural moisturiser to leave your skin super-soft.
How to:
1. Measure the sugar, coffee and cacao powder into a small bowl. 2. Slowly stir in the oil until you have your desired consistency. Mix all the ingredients together well. 3. Store in a mason jar at room temperature. Your scrub should be fine to keep for up to six weeks.To use:
1. Massage a small handful of the mixture onto your skin in circular motions when in the bath or shower. Lather well. This coffee and chocolate body scrub can be a little messy – but you can just wash it away afterwards. 2. Rinse off with warm water. 3. Aim to use this sugar scrub as part of your shower routine once or twice a week.