Thoughtful Make: Linocut Christmas Cards
Being creative at Christmas is something I really enjoy. Whether that’s making DIY wrapping paper or hand-making presents.
This time ’round I’ve been using lino and have made my own Christmas cards. When I was studying I used to use lino a lot as I love the graphic print you can achieve. Have a go if you’re feeling crafty! Share your creations with us on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #MadeWithThought. Happy making!How To: DIY Linocut Christmas Cards
You'll Need:
How to do it:
1. Start by drawing out your Christmas design onto your lino block. Remember that lino printing will reverse your print.
2. Using the larger lino cut blade, cut out all negative space from the design. Remember that whatever you cut away, won’t print. With the smaller blade, use this to go into the detailed areas and neaten up your design. Keep your fingers out of the way of the blade when cutting.
3. Once you’ve finished the design, roll the colours you like out onto the Perspex. Place your design gently down press all over, and then pull it away. If you want part of the lino to be a certain colour, you can paint these on using a paint brush. Follow the same pressing down step, then do your next colour (perhaps give the lino a clean) and press again.
4. Press down your printed lino onto your card, rub gently all over and pull away.
5. Repeat with the number of colours that you want - et voila!
6. You can make as make cards as you like with this technique in a short amount of time. You can always re-use this again, or even try and make little gift tags or wrapping from the design too. Your family and friends will love the little hand-made touch.